Museum of the future, became a series of temporary exhibition at the annual World Government Summit in Dubai, where visitor had the change to experience speculative futures around important topics. Climate Change Reimagined addressed growing concerns over the inevitability of climate change.
Role: Team member for Concept and Research, Designer for Auto Farm room, General Technologist Advisor
An automated food production factory that can grow fresh food indoors for an entire neighborhood. The farm showed plants, fish and even insects being grown with incredible efficiency.
Fictional Desalination Plant
The first exhibit visitors were welcomed onto. 360° video projections took them on an immersive journey underwater to see how the facility provides a local means of filtering saltwater into clean drinking water using natural processes. In this future scenario, Dubai has become a global pioneer in biomimicry and exports these bio-desalination plants across the world, making fresh water accessible to everyone.
The “City Kit” Sales Center
In the final exhibit, the City Kit Sales Centre introduced the idea of self-building infrastructure solutions that help provide shelter wherever it's needed. Using biotechnology and robotics these kits could grow self-sufficient cities in a matter of weeks
Before exciting the Musesum of the Future, visitors were asked to prioritize the UAE's technology investments for a more resilient future. By voting they were also pledging their personal commitment to address climate change.